Your support matters. More than 75% of ChooseWell Communities’ operating funds come from individual supporters.

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for families in our community to receive the support they need to navigate the challenges of new sobriety and parenthood. In addition to our donation form below, there are a number of ways to give listed below.

ChooseWell Communities, Inc. is a Louisville-based 501(c)3 charitable organization and meets the Better Business Bureau's Standards for Charity Accountability. Click here to learn more.


ways to give


ChooseWell Communities’ Butterfly Investors are committed to regular monthly giving. Not only do these investments provide critical support to our families - they provide us with stable funding, allowing us to solidify strategic partnerships, thus qualifying us for larger, more generous grant funding and allowing us to reach our full potential of serving 70 families at any given time. 

Whether you are a new friend of ChooseWell Communities or a longtime supporter, we hope you will join us in becoming a Butterfly Investor.

Join our Butterfly Investor Program.


  • Debit or Credit Card By Phone:

    Contact ChooseWell Communities at (502) 701-2026 for specific instructions.

  • Mail checks payable to ChooseWell Communities to:

    P.O. Box 2906
    Louisville, KY 40201

  • Wire funds:

    Contact ChooseWell Communities at (502) 701-2026 for specific instructions.